Sunday, October 21, 2012

Blog Post 8

The Schools of Tomorrow

Have you ever heard someone say I can't wait for school tomorrow? Well the question that I feel the videos by Richard Miller ask me as a future educator was are you ready for the school of tomorrow? As I watched the videos I realized there is know way that I am prepared right now. After that I felt as if I was behind in my skills with technology. Then I realized that that is why I am in EDM-310. After realizing this I felt a lot better but I knew that if I wanted to learn how to use tools such as Skype and other multimedia's that I would have to let everything I learn in this class to really sink in and take root.

I say this because in the first video Richard Miller talks about how he was raised in a house with books and that he wanted a career that involved lots and lots of books. Well that is not at all how I felt when I was young all I wanted to do was fish and play football. So reading and learning were the last things on my mind one reason is because I hated to read. But now that I have gotten older I have realized that no matter what you do you have to learn and read.What really caught my eye in the video when he talked about how we can go from a reading and writing society to a watching and listening society who still give something to what the watch and listen to. That means using new technologies and multimedia's. As I thought how this could apply to my future profession as a Football coach and Educator I will have to know how to use these tools to communicate with players and students, Break down film, draw up plays, give my students projects using their PLN and sending my players stuff such as last minute adjustments for a game. either by multimedia writing or by video.

I will know how to wright in Multimedia and use all the other tools but I will probably learn even more things from my students because they probably will start in the 3rd grade so they will know all the new stuff that comes out before I do. But I was given a major reality check after watching these two videos. They gave me a lot to work on and like the old saying goes you are either getting better or your getting worse you never stay the same. I want to get better and further my skills using Multimedia's.

My Blog About Blog post 12

After reading Carly Paugh"s blog I couldn't agree more I thing that as future educators we should think about or philosophies when we are teachers. I also think that as a teacher we should get our students philosophies so that we can understand them as who they are as people not only as our students. As a teacher I want to motivate and inspire my students to do their best. As a sports fanatic I am big on inspirational quotes and videos I mentioned this video in a blog post this semester but it think you should watch it.

This video could be applied to more then sports but It could be used to show our students how bad we want them to succeed. and How we want them to know our personal philosophy and how we want to engage our students in their work by making it interesting and fun for theme. A great quote I heard says" We are what we repeatedly do." by Aristotle. I think as teachers we should repeatedly show our students our passion for them to succeed and do their best. I really enjoyed reading Carly's blog and I think that she had an amazing Idea. My big question to myself and to other aspiring teachers is How bad do you want it? How bad do you want you want your students to succeed, how bad do you want them to reach their goals and dreams. We as future teachers are the ones responsible for helping them reach their dreams.

The Chipper Series and EDM 310 For Dummies

After watching the Chipper Series videos and the EDM 310 For Dummies video I thought about some ideas on videos I would like to do. One Of the ideas I have for a video would be to do a video on The C4K Projects were there will be video clips shown on what to do and what not to do. This video will also show good techniques for writing a good comment on someones blog. I think the main point of these two videos is that yes EDM is super time consuming and the teaching method is very out of the ordinary but we have to adapt to the new style of learning that Dr. Strange is using.

Learn to change,Change to Learn

In this video the argument about changing the way we educate students is the main idea. I think that we should change some of the ways we educate our students by using tools such as Skype, Twitter, And other personal networking systems. I also think that we should keep the students in a classroom setting were they can interact with the other students in there grade and class. Students I think learn more then just reading, writing, and math in school. I think they also learn good social skills and how to interact with people from background opposite of theirs. So I would Change Some aspects of the way we educate our students but I would also keep some of teaching styles.

Scavenger Hunt 2.0

I Found a new Video tool called Animoto this allows the students to do many different things with their videos one of the things students could do with this is change their regular video into animation. This will help with the students creativity and it could help them with different assignments in class.

I found a slide show tool called prezi. From what I have read about this tool it is said that it blows Power Point presentations out of the water because it takes it to a different level. After reading about it I created my own Prezi account. The best part about it is that its free. so you gotta check it out.

I found the tool Poll Every were this allows you to create polls on the go with the app for iPhone and also on the internet. I created my own poll and it was simple and fun. Students could use this to decide class elections or what the want to do for their free time that day. This is a very cool tool.

1 comment:

  1. "...there is know way that I am prepared right now. " no, not know

    "I will know how to wright in Multimedia..." write, not wright

    "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." The last sentence of the Aristotle quotation is also important!

    "...classroom setting were they can interact..." where, not were

    "So I would Change Some aspects" Change and some should not be capitalized in your sentence.

    Thoughtful. Interesting.
